Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

Socialwok Outlook Connector: Bringing Sharing and Collaboration to Outlook

At Socialwok, one of the key platforms for office productivity is Microsoft Office. We are excited to announce that Socialwok has released a plug-in of Outlook, named Social Connector. This new plug-in add both social networking and collaboration functions. And the application currently supports three versions of Outlook 2010, 2007 and 2003.

As the same as Google social network, this connector allows Outlook users build a private social network. Through status updates share ideas, email, documents, Google Docs and other media documents.

Here are the key benefits of what the Socialwok Outlook Connector can do for you
- Keep track of what your co-workers and clients are working on or sharing with you
See the latest activity of any Socialwok member who e-mails you right at the bottom of the email.

- Get the latest contact information of your Socialwok
E-mail addresses, profile details, and photos from your Socialwok network will start appearing in an Outlook Contacts folder named "Socialwok" - so now you'll always have the latest contact information from Socialwok close at hand.


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