Minggu, 26 Desember 2010

Make Your Gtalk Chatting More Interesting

As we all know, Gtalk is a very simple IM, so that many of us may think that it is boring to chat with Gtalk for a long time. In fact, with some tips or addons, we can make our chatting more interesting.

1. Change the font
No matter you are writing new messages or reading messages, hold Ctrl and scroll your mouse block, the font will be changed.

2. Write multi-line message
It is simple to do that, just hold Shift and press Enter.

3.Make the text bold or italic
If you want to use bold text to emphasize your key word, just add "*" before and after the text. If you want to italicize the text, just add "_" before and after the text.

For example, I enter "Do *you* want to _have a try_?", It will show as the picture below.

4. Use expression
Gtalk does't support expression, but It will show some universal expression with blue bold. For example, :-) , :-o.

5, Gtalk addon
Google Talk Shell is one of the popular addons for Gtalk. ,It has many features to enhance our Gtalk:

1.Make your avatars as a slide(dynamic avatars)
2.Anti boss hotkey.(Hide/show gtalk window with a hotkey)
3.Configure to auto hide gtalk main window when it on the edge of desktop.This will give you large work area
4.Configure google talk always on top of desktop
5.Lanuch Google talk with nomutex mode(can run several instance simultaneously)


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